
Frequently Asked Questions

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Information about the pages under the menu Services.
Hitlist: Got an issue with someone?
Don't want to deal with it yourself?
Then add them to the hitlist and reward someone else for doing the dirty bit.
Hospital: Lost health during a gunfight? Regain it there.
Swiss Bank: You can deposit any amount above ℳ 500,000,
All deposits will have a 5% reduction on them,
this is considered as a transfer fee.

You can only have one Swiss Bank Account at any given time.
If in case you lost your Swiss Bank details we can delete the old account,
but we can/will not transfer the money from the old to the new account.
So we highly recommend that you write down your details and keep them safe.
Car Crusher: Sick of having to many cars, need some ammunition?
Crush a cars! It's just like squashing a bug with 1 difference, you get ammo!
Bullet Factory: Buy ammunition for you weapons there.
Don't forget to remember when you can buy some more, it won't be shown!
Travel Agency: Wanna get away from the country your currently staying?
Due to trouble or possible profits to be made?


United States
Shooting Range: Train your weapons there so you can upgrade them.
The ammunition cost will go up as your weapon improves.